Friday, December 25, 2009

In hospital again the 3rd time

Haiyah, really pantang!
I was discharged on 22 Dec full of spirits and high hopes that at least I can do some shopping and perhaps celebrate Christmas with mum at the nursing home even though I am not up to taking her home.

Managed to cook something to eat (rice porridge made with pork bones and some lean meat, as if I have any choice as these were the only things left in my freezer.) Ran 3 lots of laundry in the machine and managed to hang them up for drying the next day even though I felt lousy. Had wanted to go to the market but couldnt even reach Block A as I felt like toppling over. Aiyah, what is happening?

Rested the whole day-survived on the rest of my porridge/beehoon. I am going to starve if I do not make it to the market!! Struggled to the market in the afn to get some chicken/fish fillet. Went home and managed to cook some beehoon with part of the fish fillet.

Felt lousy the next day-still having a balancing problem and it is indeed frightening as I am staying alone. Decided to go to hospital. Packed some clothes as I well know that CKF is going to admit me. One of the reasons being that I am staying alone and there is no one to take care of me! So kind of him, urgh. But does he know the amount of money that I have to cough out each time I stay in the hospital!

Till now, we still cannot pinpoint the cause of the balancing problem. Suggested that I have an MRI this morning 26th Dec. Hopefully, there is no stroke or something sinister in the brain......

Not a very nice thought, isnt it? The experience of staying in a hospital over Christmas is already bad enough. Missed out on all the parties and dinners .....

The thought of the meeting on Monday 28 Dec at 2pm is so, so annoying. Why cant she have it when school reopens. It is still not late, right. I barely had a holiday as I had to invigilate the SPM exams.

That's what makes me mad!!

One thing that makes me brighten up a bit is WT and YN brought mum to see me and she is assured and happy that everything is under control. My main worry is always about her-she is so close to me and she feels absolutely lost without me.
WC is arriving on Sunday morning. My car is ready and HJC is bringing the car to the hospital so that WC can come to the hospital to pick up the car. How did I survive without the car, ah? The hopping on and off the buses must have caused one of the stones to be dislodged and caused an obstruction consequently a serious infection.

Well, that's life. I hope everything will be alright starting 2010. Lord, please give me the strength to cope with life in the coming year and Lord, please dont give me any more trials/tribulations as they are too much for me to take any more at this age. Pray that everything will be fine, Amen.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Hey, at last I'm going home!!

The trouble causing stone was removed td by Dr S.

Dr CKF came around and said the same thing that I can go home tm.

How nice to go back and have a little time to fill up my larder for Xmas. Ya, San n Dr CKF said they're coming to the house for Xmas (they're just pulling my leg, aren't they? Who would want to come to my bird's nest of a place?)

Anyway, don't feel like cooking also as WT and YN are away in China for Xmas. That leaves us n H and CC if they are able to make it for Xmas lunch/dinner.

Perhaps just heat up the barbeque pit and BBQ some pork chops, chicken wings and beef steaks. Throw together some salads and that's it. But, dear mum needs some ricelah. Ah, butter rice will do her fine. I know she loves that. Open a tin or two of mushroom soup, add on some fresh mushrooms and make a soup (must tipu a bitlah - no time mah to make the real thing!)

No time to even get presents for people, oh. What a shame!

This is the worst Xmas that I ever had. Never mind, looking forward to the next one!

Am happy though that even whilst in the hospital managed to confirm all my plenary speakers except for dear Tun M. Aiyoh, bukan senang mahu dapat Tun-busy as ever isnt he? Hoping for the best.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday on Island......

20 December 2009
Yes, I am holidaying on a beautiful island snorkelling and surfing away with beautiful maidens and nice gentlemen visiting me everyday.
You think that I am so lucky. Ha, I am actually down with a terrible bacterial infection (E. Coli) due to a blockage in the ureter (R) by a kidney stone (again?). Yes, history does repeat itself (right, no?). I have been staying at the IH, Penang since Wednesday, 16 June. The beautiful maidens (nurses), nice gentlemen (consultants and MO) helped me through the pain and terrible fever (hitting 40 degrees). Hopefully, I can be discharged on Tuesday after Dr S has removed the stone that is causing so much damage.

Thank God, mum is taking my stay in the hospital cheerfully and asked me not to worry about her. She always trusted Dr CKF and the fact that I am put under his care has assured her a lot. WC is coming home, hopefully in a few days time and will be spending Christmas with us.

I am so fedup of the food at the hospital-it seems that they have changed the cook. The last straw was when they served me a pear that has not been properly washed and it was a rotten one. Well, thanks to the nurses who lent me an umbrella and I trooped down to Jasmine to buy some food. Ha, enjoyed good Singapore fried beehoon and fried belacan chicken!! For breakfast the next morning, I have bought some buns from the FL counter earlier on.

On the evening of the 18th JN called to say that the carollers wanted to come on 19th and 20th June. I had to turn them down as I would still be in hospital but I informed JN I would give something to the group after I am discharged.

20 June 2009: Ha, Dr CKF, San and myself had a friendly argument over our internet accessibility at IH. It was a good, friendly argument and he called himself a dinosaur and I said ya, that he should be in a museum when he realised that San and myself have blogs ourselves but he doesnt have one!!

So, hopefully, tm the procedure will go on uneventfully and I get to go home on the next day.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I lost my blog

I really didnt realise what has happened but I do not seem to be able to get into my old blog!
Never mind, it is good to have a change, right, so I had to start with another blog, ha, ha.
Well, cant even remember when's the last time I wrote something on my blog.
Just to say a few words before the year 2009 is over.
The year 2009 seems to go by so fast-all of a sudden the year is approaching an end.
1 December: I have to end the year with a stay in hospital with a low platelet count, a high fever and an inflamed liver!! What the heck? Dr Chong KF didnt manage to track down the cause of all this as test for dengue and hepatitis seems to come up to a nought.
4 December: Next, my car was involved in an accident-what an ending for 2009. Thank God that I didnt get killed or injured.
That's not the end of it yet-a fractured spur on C5 and an inflamed shoulder joint have to be the next 'exciting' thing to happen. What is God trying to tell me, ah? I feel like Job-never mind, I'll be blessed many, many times more if I have the faith and face up to all the trials he has given me.
18th December: Looking forward to flying off with mum to Singapore for our Christmas holidays in Ken's place. Mixed feelings as I miss papa-we used to celebrate Christmas and his birthday together and he is always given the honour to switch on the Christmas tree lights.
Lord, please do not let my plans be thwarted as I really want and need a holiday with mum and Ken tgr.
So Blessed Holidays to all my friends and relatives.